Concert walk-out? Did Aaron and Katie try their luck at a Dixie Chicks show? Kanye West? Springstien? Vedder? I can see any one of those venues being a strong case for a walk-out...
Anyway, sounds like everyone's gotten over the flu, which is good. But if you want to avoid the flu altogether so you don't have to get over it in the first place, you should think about moving out here to Southern California.
Speaking of, the weather today is beautiful, and will continue to be so for the rest of the week. Last week was a bit chilly - 65 degrees and foggy. Frannie took her warm coat with her everywhere she went. And I actually wore shoes (it's normally flip-flops for me). But today it's back to shorts and sandles - 75 degrees and sunny. I remember when Andy came to visit two Decembers ago. The first place we went after picking him up from the airport was Venice Beach. Venice Beach in December! It was 75 degrees and sunny then too, and we played a little street ball with Spider, Milk, and other colorful characters. 'Twas a grand winter day.
But enough gloating. The truth is, I love the Wyoming winter. I even miss it sometimes. And so I ask you to enjoy it for me for next few weeks until I'm there to enjoy it myself (which will be December 19, for those interested).
In addition to the weather, life in general is treating Frannie and I well right now. We're living in the ghetto, I'm still not getting paid at the office, the Buick is out of commission, and we're happy as can be! Michael - my partner in crime at USC film school - has been coming to Elders Quorum activities and has been to church a couple more times. The missionaries are working up the courage to ask him to listen to the lessons. And the Rogers family, a family of six that lives in a two-bedroom apartment below us, are really progressing.
For those who don't know the story, Frannie and I had the missionaries over for dinner a few months ago. Unfortunately, Michael had to cancel, and we felt bad not having anyone there for the missionaries to teach, so Fran suggested going downstairs and knocking on the Rogers' door. We didn't know them at the time, but had said hi a few times in passing, and they seemed nice enough. I was reluctant and skeptical, but Frannie was determined. So we went down and knocked on the door (I can't tell you how much this reminded me of my mission), and Frannie invited them up for a spiritual thought. Mark, the dad, accepted.
Since then, not a lot of progress was made. I tried to go down and read the scriptures with him, but he kept cancelling our appointments (I wonder if he's got some Jamaican blood in him). But when the missionaries told us about a fireside featuring Gladys Knight and her gospel choir, things took a turn for the best. The whole family came, and the evening was amazing. It was a night of powerful testimony and music. Gladys and her husband talked about the church and the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, and they raved about the missionaries. The Rogers loved it, and filled out a card to have the missionaries come by and teach them more.
Well, the missionaries came by this past week and taught them a first discussion. And then Frannie took it upon herself yesterday to knock on their door at 8:00 in the morning and get them ready for church. The mother, Claudette, and one of her daughters, Amber, came with Frannie and I, and despite the Wilshire Ward being a bit like a zoo (it also reminded me of my mission - you just never know who's going to speak out and what they might say), the girls felt the spirit, and can't wait to go next week.
The missionaries are coming back to their apartment this Saturday, and I'll be joining them for the discussion. It should be fun...
So, if that doesn't make us happy, I don't know what would! Although I must say, having only three more weeks of school helps, as does coming home to Frannie every night, as does finishing the third draft of my script for these producers, as does the recent promise from my boss that he talked to the "powers that be" about officially making me part of the team.
All in all, things are good.
We love you all and can't wait to see you in a little over a month!
Douglas Wade
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