Friday, February 8, 2008

The Good Ship Zion

[this letter was a response to various emails sent out from members of the family expressing their dismay and discouragement over McCain's victory over Romney in the Republican primary, and the prospect of having Hillary, Barack, or Johnny Boy as the leader of the free world]

Did any of you see Rambo? That's what we SHOULD be talking about on this blog! I don't care what goes down in the political realm as long as John Rambo continues to grace the silver screen. That jet black hair, the sweaty red bandana, those guns, and those guns that fire bullets... what else does America need? Especially now that Romney's out!

All kidding aside, one of President Hinckley's mantras keeps popping up in my head every time I get discouraged about the current political situation. "It'll all work out." Those words speak peace to my heart, because they're true. It WILL all work out, regardless of who's at the helm. Because Someone bigger than all the remaining candidates is at the real helm. And if we stay on his ship, he'll guide us through the storms. And if the weather gets too tough, he may even say, "Peace, be still," because there are too many good and faithful people in this country for Him to let it all go to pot.

I'm proud to say that you are all among the "good and faithful," and comforted to know that all will be well with us on the Good Ship Zion.


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